Guidelines For Selecting Strong password: Computer Security

Today in this post, I have talked about how to choose a strong password and why to choose it. All the criteria of how to select a reliable & secure password, you will be covered in this post today. Also, why you should choose a secure password, we will talk about all its strategies. You just want to read this post till the end.

guidelines for password selection

Why choose a strong password?

Why choose a strong password?

Nowadays a lot of people use the Internet, a lot of people are connecting to the Internet today, Nowadays people do all the work through the Internet like online transactions, shopping, communication, etc. Do you think the Internet you use and the network you are connected to is safe? Not at all, many illegal activities are going on in the internet world today.

Whatever you register your data on the Internet, all the information is saved in some server. You enter an account number, CVV, all the things while doing online transactions, but all those things are kept in a server. Accessing this information is not a big deal for hackers.

If you want to protect your account, if you're going to be safe on the Internet, you have to use a secure password, So that no hacker can detect your password. 

Role Of People In The Security

Role Of People In The Security

Many people open their accounts on the Internet, or social media, At that time most people choose a simple password example of- his/her name @123, Gf / BF ka name, date of birth, family members names, pet names, mobile numbers, brand names, etc. This is the reality that a lot of people do. I, too, have seen my friends doing this. While doing so is entirely wrong. If someone is targeting you, then he knows all these things about you to hack your account. This type of hacking is called intelligent hacking.

While searching for intelligence, Atekar looks at user education, background, and behavior. And it does all that knows you well. Whenever he gets access to your mobile, all the information is shared at that time. And at that time you are not even aware of all these activities. This is why you should choose a strong password and understand the events around you.

How To Defenses Against Cyber Attacks

How To Defenses Against Cyber Attacks

If you want to defend the attack from attackers and protect your essential information, So at this point, I have talked about the three strategies so that you can support the attack and secure your information.

Change Default Password

When you get a new system or a new device such as a router. It already has a default password. And this password is equal for all orders or methods, such as "Username= Admin, Password=Admin" Do not forget to change the default password And do not share it with anyone.

Password Length:

Password length is also an important point to protect against attackers. A minimum password of eight characters is required. If your password is eight characters and the number, letter mix password is your choice, then hackers do not know your password. 

Avoid Obvious Password

People often select the name @123 when entering a password. This type of password is available in the attacker's list, Or these passwords are used when doing intelligent searches. In my opinion, 60% of people in the world use this password, Name@123.

How To Choose A Strong Password:

Choose password is at least eight characters.

The password of eight characters is not easy to find. A hacker would not be able to fund eight correct characters on an intelligent search.

Use mixture character both lower case and upper case.

Use lower and uppercase letters in your password. Using lower and upper cases will make the password stronger, Won't be able to find a password easily.

Use symbols and punctuation in passwords.

Use some symbols that are external to the keyboard. Can search and copy icons on Google. And use some punctuation between passwords. 

Example of: "Auwk?Nb3V8g*AbvG"

Guys, if you follow all these steps, then it is impossible to find your password. The password should be a maximum of eight variables, the password must contain a mixture of lower and upper characters. Also, Use symbols and punctuation in passwords.

I will tell you the name of a website on which you will be given a strong password. You will be given a strong password by making use of all the passwords, lower and upper characters, symbols, punctuation, etc.

Website Name: Password Generator


Due to the password being strong, your password will not be able to found any science. A password should not be shared with anyone. It is necessary to protect Attaker's attack, and it should do the maximum eight-character symbol, punctuation, lower & upper case password. If you have knowledge about What is Ethical Hacking, then you will know all these things.

Final Words:

Guys, if you like this post, then you must subscribe to the blog so that you can read the posts on Networking, Cyber ​​Security related topics. Share it with your friends so that they too know about this topic. If you have any questions related to this post, then comment below. Thank you for visiting the Teach My Ability blog.

Read Also:

Learn Ethical Hacking: Step-By-Step-Guide For Beginners

Guidelines For Selecting Strong password: Computer Security Guidelines For Selecting Strong password: Computer Security Reviewed by Teach My Ability on February 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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