Learn Ethical Hacking: Step-By-Step-Guide For Beginners

If you learn hacking and you do not have any information about hacking right now, then in this post, you will get complete information about hacking. This post is going to be very helpful for those who are beginners because of today in this post, I am going to clear you all the points of hacking like…
  • What Is Hacking?
  • Types Of Hacking?
  • What is a Hacker?
  • Types of Hackers?
  • What is Cracking?
  • Which Skill Is Required To Learn Hacking?
  • Top 5 Best Hackers (Both Ethical & Black Hat Hacker)
In these posts, I have made all these points in simple language, which you will not have any problem in understanding.

What Is Hacking?

Too many people do not have much information about hacking, nowadays everything is happening online, so crime is also increasing, and not everyone uses this digital world properly. Some people do good work and some bad. Whatever online crime happens in this digital world is called hacking. Those who do good work are called Ethical Hackers, and those who do bad things are called Black Hat Hackers.
In simple language, hacking means, one has to find a weakness in a computer or server and take advantage of that weakness to steal data from that device or server or modify that data.
The official definition of hacking is like this: hacking is the process of modification of the features of the system for achieving the goal of a person who is outside the system, and that outside person does this process.
A hacker needs to know all these things in computer, networking, programming. Hacking used in two ways; one is legal, and the other is illegal.
The hacker gets access to a server, and the hacker modifies or deletes the data by taking permission from the manager of the company, So it is called legal hacking and a hacker of this type are known as an ethical hacker.
When a hacker modifies or deletes the data of a company's server without permission, it is called illegal hacking. This type of hacker is known as Black Hat Hacker.

Types Of Hacking?

Website hacking:  Website hacking means accessing the website's server without any permission and modifying or deleting that data.
Network Hacking:  Network hacking means accessing the complete information of that network. If a system is to hack, all the hackers use tools such as NS Lookup, ping, trace net, telnet, etc.
Ethical Hacking: It is also known as legal hacking. Ethical hacking used to find the vulnerability of any network and computer and to fix errors. All these processes happen with the permission of the company's owner.
Password Hacking: You must have come to know about this by password hacking name. Recover any user's id and password saved in any computer or database.
Computer Hacking: Computer Hacking is known as Using a hacking method to access the Eid and password of any computer and access the data securely.

Guidelines For Selecting Strong password & Secure Password

What Is a Hacker?

The person does hack consistently maybe with malicious intention or other the reason is called a hacker.
Hackers can be classified into different types, such as a white hat, black hat, and gray hat. Based on the intent of hacking a system.
White Hat Hacker:  
It is also known as an ethical hacker. He can be a master of hacking who wants good money or a person who wants to dominate the world with the use of the internet. They try to find out weaknesses in a computer or network system as a part of penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.
Hacker is a person who is capable of making changes to the hardware and the software of the computer system.
Ethical hacking is not illegal, and it is one of the demanding jobs available in its industry.
Black Hat Hacker:
Black hat hackers are also known as crackers. This hacker destroys files stealing data and may do further damage to the data present in the computer system or network.
He tries to exploit all the possible vulnerabilities before the organization come to know the flaws in their computer security system.
Examples of black hat hackers are cracking bank accounts, modifying it, steal this information selling in the black market.
Gray Hat Hackers: 
A gray hat hacker is a person who is precisely between white hat hackers and black hat hackers. This person can use his skill either for legal or illegal acts.  

What Is Cracking?

You must have come to know about black hat hackers now. Black hat hackers are also called crackers. Cracking is not just about cracking a network or computer system, cracking of an organization in an unauthorized manner with malicious intelligence. The crackers are capable of various intention examples of a user account, bank account, and other important info.
Crackers Can Do Lot Of Malicious Activities:
Destroy the essential files of the organization.
Alert the information to get money.
Sale user data in the black market.
They perform dumpster diving.

Which Skill Is Required To Learn Hacking?

If you are thinking of entering into the field of hacking, then first of all you must have a complete fundamental knowledge of ethical hacking, also it is important to know about networking knowledge, programming code, and tools. If you do not know to program, then I will tell you about the tools in a few more posts, which will increase your hacking knowledge.
Before learning to hack, you need to know all, such as
Database Skill:
This is the most essential point. You must know the database management system (DBMS).
Networking Skill: 
Hacking is an online activity, so it is essential to have networking related knowledge. You should know about all kinds of networks in detail like VPN, firewall, routers, switch, public, and private networks. TCP/IP, DNS You need to have all such information.
Use of Linux Os
Understand Computer Security And Technology.
If you do not know about all these things, then I will explain to you in the following article.

Top 10 best hackers (Both Black Hat & White Hat)

  1. Sanway Ved (Ethical hacker)
  2. Albert Gonzalez (Black Hat Hacker)
  3. Jordan Wines (Ethical hacker)
  4. Joe Stewart (Ethical hacker)
  5. Robert Tappan morris
  6. Neel Metha (Ethical hacker)
  7. Kevin Poulsen (Black Hat Hacker)
  8. George Hotz (Black Hat Hacker)
  9. Kevin Poulsen (Black Hat Hacker)
  10. James Forshaw (Ethical hacker)
I hope you liked this article very much and you have got all the information from this article.
In the following article, I will try to write articles about hacking, networking and cybersecurity on every topic, stay connected with this website.
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Learn Ethical Hacking: Step-By-Step-Guide For Beginners Learn Ethical Hacking: Step-By-Step-Guide For Beginners Reviewed by Teach My Ability on January 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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